Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bucket List

The other day I was watching WIPEOUT. One contestant said the reason why she came on the show was because it was on her bucket list (you know, the list of things you want to do before you die).  It got me thinking about my own bucket list. I'm only 27 years old, but I have a big item on my bucket list.  It's huge!  In fact, overwhelming, but what the heck---go big or go home, right?!  So here it is: get to as many LDS temples as I can before I die.  Not just get to each temple either, but go inside each one.  How cool would that be? 

Sometimes I laugh at my goal because there's currently 134 operating temples, and there tends to be at least a few announced every general conference.  I'm a stay-at-home mother of 4.  How can I possibly make it to every temple?  I don't know, but I'm gonna try!  With this blog I plan to talk about each temple after I've journeyed there, such as what it looked like, inside and out, and the feelings I had there.  On the church website it says,  "You can talk about what the interior of the temple looks like, and you can freely share the feelings you have in the temple." That's what I plan on doing and I'm really excited to start my journey to the temples.

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